Saturday, December 1, 2012


Time after time, the Congress has disphemed President Obama. Don't they realize that he has a personal pipeline to Mohammad and that His wisdom trumps the puny wisdom of economists, second-guessers and other Wiseguy Know-it-alls who think they can dispheme His Wonderous Decisions? No wonder he fumes with fire in his eyes! How dare these lowly Senators and Representatives from which he sprang, oppose his All-Knowing-All-Caring decisions! The nerve of these cretins! A god-like figure stoops to be President and all he gets id disphemed by second-guessing nabobs, nerds, and fellow-narssists at every turn. If Mohammad and J.C. were at his side, they would cling to Obama's every word and back his flawless, impecable judgement- every yime. Background Smackdown Barack Obama is the re-elected president of the United States. Obama was formerly a U.S. senator from Illinois due to the threat of revelation of a messy divorce by his only main opponent. The guy dropped out for fear he was doomed by scandal. What we do know is that Obama was probably born in 1961 and definitely on the third planet from the sun. No hospital has claimed he was born there although his white grandmother posted his birth at TWO Honolulu hospitals. A brochure advertising his book said he was Kenyan and he never disputed his writeup which may have been written by himself in a fit of truthing. Most people place his birth in Mombasa, Kenya (1) (2)because his mother was too gravid to be allowed to fly back to Hawaii, where his mother met a Kenyan student at the University of Hawaii in 1961 and persuaded him that he was the father of her child by Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed card-carrying Communist and author of porn book, Sex Rebel - Black. A Muslim Republican neither confirmed nor denied this but did deny terrorist connections. Is he "living proof that "Republicans" are "insane" or drink a lot when selecting candidates? YOU BE THE JUDGE. Safe to say this "Republican" is not conservative. Obama's official father is from Kenya (3) and his mother is from Kansas. Obama is rumored to have graduated somehow from grade school, junior high, admitted drugging in high school, while at Occidental University and while at Columbia University and to have his law degree from Harvard Law School although all documents are sealed at great expense, time, and with tireless desperate effort costing tens of thousands of dollars. Obama previously served in the Illinois state Senate with no sordid details except for the Larry Sinclair affair (7) and was an instructor teaching that the U.S. Constitution is archaic, out-dated, and obsolete at the University of Chicago Law School. He and his wife, Michelle (Robinson), have two most likely adopted daughters, Malia and Sasha who influenced Obama's stance on same-sex marriage since he is a homosexual himself which caused them to be adopted like homosexual couples "having" to adopt. This casts awe and wonder and suspicion on Michelle who has over 26 taxpayer funded expensive attendants and assistants and etceteras. Cynical folks think cash kickbacks come with obtaining such a "featherbed" position. One is forced to work for a paltry $172,200 named Susan Sher. This money is the top out pay for White House staff. One or two holdovers MAY get that salary but MAY have worked for many, many years faithfully. Perhaps one of the newbies or newbys is more than just a friend? A couple of devious, dastardly rogue scoundrels used the word "adopted" when referring to a dog to foul up internet searches. Scum do things like that all the time. No one has ever seen Michael Obama "in a family way" and doubtless never will. Obama's bath house alias was Harrison J. Bounel and his Social Security number belonged to a dead centenarian from Connecticut. His draft registration is the only existing item with a two digit date in the entire world since all the others have a "19" or a "20" preceeding the year of registration which was when Obama was about 19 years of age in 1980. No one has ever questioned why he did not register in 1979 at age 18 like everyone else by law. Bogus copies of his birth certificate are online, each with amusingly bungled details and even humor, the most recent fooled Trump who was helping Obama run interference from the investigation of Sheriff Arpaio of Arizona. In the year 2009 Globe Magazine article revealed Obama’s top 25 enemies. The list includes: Glenn Beck, Larry Sinclair, Joe Wilson, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Orly Taitz, Pat Boone, Jon Voight, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Rupert Murdoch, Jesse Jackson, Dick Cheney, Bill O’Reilly, Toby Keith, Rex Rammell, Hank Williams Jr., Steven Anderson, Saul Anuzis, Bill Cunningham, Paul Krugman, John Rich, Wiley Drake, Alex Jones and Michelle Malkin. In three years, the list has expanded to include: Humana (and other insurance companies), Chrysler Corporation, The First and Second Amendments, Christian religions, the coal industry, the Tea Party Movement, Fox News, the US Military, US House of Representatives, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Clint Eastwood, Jason Chavetz, Trey Gowdy, Allen West, John McCain, Mitt Romney donors, and anyone who opposes Obamacare. Do not show this list to Mitt Romney as he will cry his eyes out at being listed as an enemy when he has been so friendly, bending over backwards to not offend Obama but to gently show him the error of his ways. Romney would be absolutely crushed, wringing his hands and weeping uncontrollably for at least three days ceaselessly, maybe longer. He might try to drink away his troubles with chocolate milk or root beer, neither of which is good for his health. Knowledge that Obama is not his friend would break his mind and push him over the edge of reality. He thought they were "secret-hand-shake-friends-forever". He COULD decide to live at Disneyland forever to escape the cold-hard-facts-of-brutal-reality and gut-wretching, depressing heartbreat if he learned the stark, naked, painful truth. IF YOU READ THIS ROMNEY, rest assured that another 57,000,000 plus Americans (counting unborn millions especially) are also dispised by Obama who does not have the time from golfing and goofing off or inclination to loathingly list us all. We are direct objects of his ill will as regulation after regulation stiffles job creation and commerce. Farmers were elated at a bumper crop of PEANUTS until some EPA O-bot shut down the peanut butter processing plant and all those "evil capitalist" jobs exploiting un-unionized labor. (4)Aircraft giant Boeing was prevented from building a multi-million dollar aircraft manucturing facility in South Carolina conDAMNed by Washington Post.(5) Just how does the Leftist Obama Democrat Socialist administration plan to "get even"? In myriads of ways and by all means available. Obama and Iranian-born Jarrett have hundreds of government agencies from the I.R.S.S. (audited by friends for over $930,000) to the E.P.A. to the F.B.I. at their beck and call to henchmanly do their bidding. Barack Obama’s Truth Team relentlessly and ruthlessly seeks out individuals and lists their names and their alleged infractions, short-comings, and lack of towing the line and unhomey-ness on the Obama/(Bite Me) Biden (tongue dipped in the unvarnished) Truth Team website. Based on this website, it is apparent that an enemies list does exist and the agencies that carry out their marching orders from Obama and Jarrett are reprehensible. Yet, Congress funds these agencies since they have the ultimate power of controlling country’s checkbook and will continue to be the 2%er "bike bum types" they have been all along. As for higher taxes on millionaires...even the New York Times knows rich people are not stupid people. Wealthy Britons have been becoming expatriots by the dozens for many years. Why suffer the tyranny of unfair HIGHER taxes when the top 2% of American earners ALREADY pay 80% of ALL the income tax? Some came back to America AFTER President John Fitsgerald Kennedy CUT taxes from a ridiculous 80-90%. JFK knew that wealthy people spending money in America, starting and buying out businesses, and CONSUMING like erstwhile Al Gore and his behemoth lake houseboat burning hundreds of gallons of fuel for a trip around the lake. Al Gore got much wealthier after selling mythical carbon credits he made out of thin air...for a huge profit. Even after Global Warming has been exposed as a huge expensive HOAX, people continue to believe with brains that cannot be "fixed". “After Americans win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because Americans don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and Americans have two judges ready to go,” reads the alleged statement of Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to Barack Obama, and whose office in the West Wing is rumored to be the real Oval Office in the White House. Just exactly what does Jarrett mean? This statement, emphasized and underlined by Obama’s “vote for revenge” comment, definitely raises questions as to the possibility of a White House hit list to punish those who have shown adversity to Barack Obama, while rewarding those whom they considered to be loyal. This will extend Obama's titles from "Offender of the Faith" to "the Hate President". Most of us have nothing against him as a person, Americans would just rather he was not in a position to do grevous harm to the country Americans were born in and dearly love. Although most of us think little of the United nations as a group, Americans would not wish Obama on them either. Maybe a Rose Law firm partnership would suit him. Bill and Hillary leaving Rose must have left "a hole on their soul." Wonderboyless wayfaring warriors with words willing to win without wayward wanton wily ways. That being said, what are the implications of such a statement to Americans? History tells us (and a lot of us remember) Richard Nixon’s now infamous enemies list. Nixon’s list, however, was a lot shorter and he kept his list a secret. Obama makes no secret of the way he feels about anyone who opposes him. He and his “other brain” are quick to ridicule, chide, rebuke, and outright lie to mete out public humiliation to opponents of his administration. (1) (2) (3) (4) 5) (6) (7)

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